Radio Station

Radio satiation (Sharada Krishi Vahini)
The community radio station(CRS) named as Sharada Krishi Vahini was established at KVK Baramati and inaugurated on 18 January 2011 at the auspicious hands of Ms. Supriyatai Sule. This radio station can be heard on 90.8 M.Hz. frequency. The aim of the CRS is to deliver newest information in the field of agriculture to the farming community as per their needs and problems. It was also decided to provide a platform to the farmers, farm women to share their experiences, skill and art, problems and needs to other farmers and communities. CRS has participation from farmers, self help groups, students, doctors, local artist, agriculture entrepreneur, teachers, and experts in its programs. They share their experiences in agriculture, cattle rearing, poultry etc. The programmer goes to villages and collects farmer's talks about their experiences, their problems of livelihood, and it is broadcasted on CRS. Also the farmers come to the CRS and can record their talks. CRS is also recording local folk songs from the community member and these songs are played through CRS which gives them wide publicity. The songs like Patriotic, devotional and light music are recorded at CRS and also at the home of community member. The guidance from agriculture scientist, experts on the needs and problems according to the farming activities are broadcasted through the CRS.

schedule of broadcasting
7.00 am to 9.00 am at morning


NSS, is a voluntary organization of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 levels working for a campus-community linkage. The cardinal principle of the NSS programme is that it is organized by the students themselves, and both students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get a sense of involvement in the tasks of nation building. Service to mankind in society is a concept from time immemorial. People co-operate and help each other in one or the other way in their day-today life. Many social activists preached and practiced the theory of social service for the welfare of the society.

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:
• Understand the community in which they work
• Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
• utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
• Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
• Gain skills in mobilizing community participation
• Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
• Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
• Practice national integration and social harmony